Friday, January 11, 2013

Cucumber Lemon Juice

My husband and I recently watched the documentaries Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead and Hungry for Change.  They both talked about the benefits of juicing fruits and vegetables as a way of getting more nutrients in a concentrated form.  I was a little hesitant but my husband was all for it.  So we purchased a fancy pants juicer and are starting on a 10 day juice fast. We both would like to lose just that last 10 pounds and we're hoping this is just the ticket! We don't believe in all the "nutritional supplement" type diets but this seems like a good natural option. So here's to 10 days of no solid foods, no soda (yikes!) and lots of produce shopping! Wish me luck!

Cucumber Lemon Juice (Juice #1)
2 Apples
4 Stalks Celery
1 Cucumber
2 handfuls baby spinach
1/2 lemon, peeled

***This recipe is a total of 231 calories according to the calorie calculator at

Most of us (we made the kids try it too!) really liked this one.  My two youngest boys didn't care for it too much but they did drink a small glass.  This recipe makes about 20 ounces of juice.  We did three rounds of this recipe.  I drank one whole recipe myself and then the kids shared most of the second recipe, and my husband drank the rest of theirs and a whole recipe of his own! The cucumber and lemon flavors really dominate in this one.  My husband doesn't like cucumbers but he was really going to town on this stuff!  Honestly, it was kind of like drinking summer.  Kind of nice on a cold January night!

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