Monday, January 27, 2014

Caramel Chex

This can be made with either Chex cereal or with Crispix cereal. It has A LOT of butter in it but I suppose as long as you don't eat it every day it shouldn't be too bad for your hips! I meant to take a picture but my kids ate it too fast. I got the recipe here and she has great pictures. I didn't change anything in this recipe.

2 small boxes of Crispix or Chex Cereal
2 cups of butter
2 cups of brown sugar
½ cup Light Karo syrup
½ tsp Vanilla
½ tsp Baking Soda
  1. Melt butter in a sauce pan.
  2. Add brown sugar and bring to a boil.
  3. Add Karo syrup, vanilla and baking soda.
  4. I put the cereal in a large bowl then pour mixture over the top and stir.
  5. Then pour into a brown paper sack.
  6. Microwave for two minutes and shake.
  7. Microwave again for two minutes and shake.
  8. Spread the Crispix onto wax paper and let cool.
  9. Enjoy!

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