Tuesday, April 27, 2010

7 Layer Dip

My husband is a professor who just finished a very challenging semester. He thought he deserved a special treat to celebrate. He loves 7 layer dip but I hate all the chopping involved. So we compromised. He chopped up the olives and tomatoes while I did the rest. It's always fun to work in the kitchen with him. I told him he had to wait 2 hours while it chilled. Twenty minutes later I hear the tell-tale squeak of the fridge door and the unmistakable sound of the chip bag being opened. He thinks he was being sneaky, but I am so onto him!


One or two cans of refried bean
One large container of sour cream (16 oz)
One package of taco seasoning
Shredded cheddar and Monteray Jack cheeses
Chopped tomatoes
One can of olives, chopped
4-5 green onions, chopped
3-4 Cups of guacamole
1/2 C salsa

1) In a bowl mix together the refried beans, half the taco seasoning, the salsa, and a couple tablespoons of sour cream. Spread the mixture into a large casserole dish (9X13)

2) In a separate bowl mix the sour cream with the remaining taco seasoning. Spread the sour cream mixture on top of the refried beans mixture.

3) Carefully spread the guacamole on top of the sour cream mixture. Take care not to mix the two together.

4) Toss the two types of grated cheese together, then spread them on top of the guacamole. Sprinkle with the olives, tomatoes, and green onions.

Chill for a couple of hours and then enjoy! Sneakily, if you must.

1 comment:

  1. This stuff was awesome! I made it for a 3rd of July picnic (Our little town is ahead of everybody else for celebrating) and everybody loved it! Thanks for the recipe. When are some more coming?
